Thursday, 11 October 2012

Codes and conventions of my chosen genre essay

Codes and conventions of a chosen genre.

For my creative project I have chosen to use the genre of pop. The codes and conventions of a pop music video alter and change just like codes and conventions usually do.
The first convention of a pop music video would be the use of colour. In pop music videos colour is widely used to reflect the upbeat track of the pop song. Bright colouring has proven popular with many dance music videos such as LMFAO ‘Sorry For Party Rocking’ were bright neon colours are used to reflect the upbeat track and the energetic dancing within the video.

Also the costume for LMFAO ‘Sorry For Party Rocking’ is very distinctive and is a signature style for the artists within the group, which is also something that many pop videos have. Costume is also a key feature of a pop music video as it tends to be bright colourful clothing that is somewhat different to that of an R&B video or another genre of video. In pop videos the artists tend to wear clothes that have been made a signature style for them like LMFAO with animal print leggings and also for artists such as Neyo who always wears a hat in performances or videos.

Another convention of the pop genre music video would be the use of dancing as a way to reflect the mood of the song, but also to show the performance of the artist which is why music videos are created to make sure there fan base/ audience get the chance to see them do what they’re famous for and that is to perform and entertain. In pop videos dancing is done with a lot of energy as most pop songs are upbeat and so dancing is used to reflect that. For example in Beyoncé’s ‘Single Ladies’ music video it’s simply her and two backing dancer dancing to her track while she lip syncs to the music, this is an example of a pop music video that is simple yet affective after receiving more than   194,683,598 views on YouTube and a number of awards for ‘Best Video’ and ‘Best Song’. The video may have been a simple concept but many saw it as the making of Beyoncé as a respected artist as it shows what she does best, performing.

The next convention of a pop music video would be the use of fast paced editing to keep the audience interested as well as making the video upbeat and reflective of the pop song which again is also upbeat. Fast paced editing help the audience to stay interested while also catching the eye onto different points in the video such as change of location of costume. Examples of this would be Beyoncé ‘Countdown’ and Rihanna ‘We Found Love’ these videos both use fast paced editing for different reasons, in Beyoncé ‘Countdown’ editing is used for costume change but with the bright costumes and quick editing it keeps the video interesting and in Rihanna ‘We Found Love’ the fast paced editing is used to show change of location, however, both videos use fast paced editing to reflect the upbeat pace within the song.

Another typical convention of a pop music video would be that narrative structures are used but because of the use of montage editing a narrative is made to look like a music video rather than a film. And although the narrative doesn’t have a clear beginning, middle and end we can establish what the disruption is and the equilibrium. Narrative structures to music videos are rare and are hardly ever done but an example of a music video like this would be Justin Bieber ‘As Long As You Love Me’ were we see a love story with an equilibrium and a disruption and although this music video is done in narrative we still have shots of the individual artist performing directly to the audience through the music video.

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